Sunday, June 13, 2010

Broken windows and BMWs

First impressions of Albania...a juxtaposition of cultures. Brick houses with broken out windows with a new Mercedes out front. Water pipes running along dirt and rock roads with water squirting out at various intervals, yet there is a water shortage in Tirana. Alleys that a bus can barely squeeze down, yet it is officially a street. People walking everywhere, even at 10:30 at night, yet the way the traffic barely hits the moving pedestrians is truly a blend of art & miracle (we honestly fear for our kids as we walk from place to place).
But what will I remember? Tons of friendly people squeezing our kids' cheeks on sidewalks. Amazing ice cream. Reconnecting with the Docis and being thankful for our history and friendship. Open hearts to the good news of Christ. Being in awe that we have the amazing opportunity to partner with these Campus Crusade folks who are making a serious positive impact in the lives for now and eternity around them. I'm honored and privileged to be here!


  1. We are so glad to hear that you and your whole group arrived safely in Albania. Best wishes for a wonderful VBS this week. Enjoy God's creation and different cultures. Be sure to hang on to the hands of His little ones when you are near the Albanian traffic!!! We Love you all and are praying for a great week in His mission field.
    Love You, Mom and Dad B.

  2. Thanks for's wonderful to be able to imagine all of you there. Sweet, sweet blessings to each of you. Psalm 25:25 As cold water to a weary soul, So is good news from a far country.
    Love Mom and Dad B.
