Friday, June 18, 2010

The Business Community

Yesterday I had the opportunity to develop relationships with a few men of the local business community. Here is some of what I have learned:

There is a fine line between ruthless and amoral. In the business community it can become blurred as a healthy system of bribes keeps things running. Some businessmen are coming to know Christ and it does affect their business dealings positively. Most people in Tiranna want money but don't want to work. Therefore one lucky relative is sent abroad to find work and send $ back home. That $ is typically spent on coffee. Yep. The Espresso Economny. (can I trademark that term?)

There is a large divide between the rich and the poor. Some of the rich are involved with illigimate businesses. Not all but many. At least this is what we are consistently told by the locals. Drugs. Human trafficking and stolen Mercedes seem to be the top 3. Why? After the fall of Communisum there was a spiritual vacuum. For many this has lead to Christ. ( aprox. 15,000 by some estimates). For others this meant acting in a new free society which does not have a moral code. Dog eat Dog. Is everyone this way? Absolutely not! It is a subset of the population but has an impact on all society here. In the wise words of my new fried Arogon "Albania has a strong heart but they are sick".

In addition to being blessed with meeting some amazing people and hearing the most Amazing story of how someone came to know Christ, I was able to share my faith in Christ as a part of a marketing seminar. Something which would never happen in the U.S. After I spent time connecting with some of the locals. One of whom was just recently exposed to Christ in the last 2 years. He wanted to know my faith story and how being a Christian has affected my work. Wow. Very cool.

The Holy Spirit is present here and for that I am grateful.


1 comment:

  1. Keith,
    Corruption is an international issue. it is formalized in some countries. Your example and work there is crucial. We pray for the entire team and your multiple opportunities.

    Dan Pence
